Sunday, 12 July 2015

Think, Know and Act

1.         Think first what matters. The Essence! Think beyond the appearance as perceived by the five senses. Think to perceive REALITY and not to be deceived by ILLUSION. Think beyond the What, When and Where and into the realm of WHY and HOW.
2.         Know WHAT Rules over You: The Constitution! Know WHO Rules out The Constitution: The Beast; HOW does the BEAST do it? WHY does the BEAST do it?
a)         Article 1 - Section 8 of The US Constitution:
b)         CONGRESS Can:
(i)         Tax (on behalf of the Bankers) and pay debts (to Bankers) [1]
(ii)        Borrow money (from the Bankers) [2]
(iii)       Regulate Trade (but not operate Trade, except loss making ventures such as Post) [3]
(iv)       Bankrupt (Citizens, corporations including Government except the Bankers) [4]
(v)        Coin money (but not Printing Money which is the Banker's Monopoly to purchase the CONGRESS and the Senate and the President) [5]
(vi)       Declare war (of reprisal and plunder on behalf of the Bankers) [11]
3.         Can you see Adam Smith's Invisible Hand (The Wealth of Nations] or Karl Marx' Visible Hand (Das Kapital) behind the drafting of the US Constitution, despite a pioneer of MONEY such as Benjamin Franklin being a Founding Father?
4.         Why did this FoxMan of all people have to come up with this book and this late?
5.         Why do truth tellers and truth seekers and particularly, FAKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS say: "It's not THAT! It's not THEM!"?
6.         Is it really Life, Liberty and Happiness or Death, Slavery and Misery?
7.         Seeking Knowledge is to Acknowledge the Lack of Knowledge! We the People have been DECEIVED by the BEAST, Big Time! From Day ONE! But, you are blessed!
8.         With the Theory of Everything Support (TOES), you will be on your TOES in no time!
9.         Only (Money, Mind and JLaw) Matters. Everything else follows and has only ONE degree of separation.
10.      Like ME, Be Like ME, Think, Know and Act: Take the TRUTH to TASK - OWN NWO NOW!

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