Sunday, 12 July 2015

Be on Your TOES with TOES!

1)             Be Assured and Be Reassured that you have the Theory of Everything Support (TOES);
2)             Acknowledge that the current Body of Knowledge is so vast that Nobody can read, master and apply the entire Body of Knowledge in one life time;
3)             Conclude therefore that the Theory of Everything is not about knowing everything. It is about:
a)             Organizing the Body of Knowledge into a Taxonomy of Individual Disciplines (See the Image: Tree Tier Taxonomy of Academic Disciplines);
b)             Prioritizing essential areas of knowledge to explore depending on the personal context;
c)              Mastering the Essence or each Discipline which is necessary and sufficient to spot macro and micro level connections;
d)             Employing not only established rules of evidence but also intuition and common sense to uncover the reality beyond the appearances, particularly when the actual evidence is below threshold of evidence as per the established rules of evidence;
e)             Identifyinginterrelationships and intra-relationships and among the Disciplines;
f)              Applying this Essential Knowledge to practical problems to probe into root causes and arrive at comprehensive solutions;
4)             Acknowledge that:
a)             Truth is a relative concept;
b)             Facts obscure the Truth;
c)              Trivial Truths obscure the Essential Truths;
d)             Essential Truth, let alone Trivial Truths, alone will not set you free;
e)             Essential Truth need Taking to Essential Task: Taking the Monster Monkey off the Back;
5)             Be flexible in handling the TRUTH so that the more credible data and information that may surface later have the capacity to alter the existing view about the TRUTH.
6)             Imprint into the core of your thinking process the Truth Trinity Key: “Money, Mind, and Monkey”;
7)             Own your Own MIND to stop Monkey who OWNs Our Stolen MONEY from Owning our MIND through Monkey Media;
8)             Now you know that you have the TOES, Be On Your TOES at all times;
9)             Like ME, Be Like ME, Think, Know, Be on Your TOES and Act;

10)          To Take the TRUTH to TASK: OWN NWO NOW!

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