Tantrums by BIE Jews are becoming less and less important and Your Awakening to the LIGHT of TRUTH is becoming MORE and MORE CRITICAL. Hence, All Your Further Actions Shall Manifest on ONE COMMAND! |
1. RECALL from the Last Posts:
a) “See the Power of ONE to be One of Power” (Armed, Protected and Guided by ONELaw):
i) to ACTin a disciplined manner that has the intent and the effect of being GOOD for the NON-ELITE[99%], resulting in favourable outcomes; and
ii) NOT to ACT in a Reckless manner that has the intent and/or the effect of being GOOD for the ELITE[1%], resulting in detrimental outcomes;
b) “ONELaw, JLaw and JLo” (Monkeys and Minions are FEW and UNITED with a Central Command, armed with Monkey Law derived from the Book of the Beast, with Monkeys and Minions strictly following Orders, creating what was identified as ONE’s (6+6+6) Profound Dislikes);
c) “Take Up UNITY to Take Down TRINITY” (We are MANYbut DIVIDED), compelling us to have ONELaw that can Empower US and Overpowerthe Monkey Law, to Unitein ONENet with the Quantum Power (99:1) , with a CENTRAL COMAND CENTRE;
d) “Be on Your TOES with TOES” (Harnessing its Profound Power)
i) THINK The Essence of What Matters;
ii) Know the TARGET TRUTH TRINITY: “Money, Mind and Monkey”; (All other causes including that country, that government, that corporation, that individual are TRIVIAL in the CONTEXT)
iii) Act with Super Discipline.
2. ONELaw, ONENet and ONEMindMap
a) ONELaw, ONENetand ONEMindMap (Mind Map 1.0) are integrated concepts;
b) ONEMindMap, despite its optical simplicity is exponentially more complex than Mind Map 0.0 [Order 0]; Embedded within it are the notions of, inter alia:
i) Duality by Degrees;
ii) Process of Consciousness (Feel, Think, Talk, Walk)
iii) Composite Characteristics;
iv) Mind Matter Analogy;
v) Consciousness in Context;
vi) Conditional Application of ONELaw (Ignorance is NOT a Defence)
c) ONENet SHALL be subject to ONELawand all its provisions including, but not limited to “Ex Post Facto” Laws;
3. Revealing without Reviling – LITE Version (This section has far reaching consequences to the feeble minded, and therefore is kept at a moderately abstract level)
a) Look at the Symbol of the DEVIL and various features;
ii) DEVIL is a Living Person on Earth, most likely in m.Nation;
iii) Book of the BEAST = Book of the DEVIL;
iv) DEVIL (and the Elite-1%by extension though not shown) is Located infinitely beyond to the left of the Normal Distribution of the Humanity (99%)
v) DEVIL Worshiping (Explicit and Implicit) extends far beyond – How Shall I Say? – Well, ........!
b) DEVIL is a Complex Creature displaying, inter alia, the following features with a degree, “infinitely beyond”:
i) Jaundicely Juvenile;
ii) Erratically Evil;
iii) Whimperingly Wicked; and
iv) Suicidally Sick
c) The Irrefutable Evidence of DEVIL’s features is founded upon, inter alia:
i) MY Personal Experience;
ii) Personal Experience of Those who Like Me, and whom I Like;
iii) Book of the Beast;
i) the DEVIL, whomYouand youare Appeasing and SLEEPING with
ii) the ONE who is DEALING with the DEVIL.
e) NOW, It is a good time to preview the Case Study, again!
SoaB called RoO
· Why and How he was introduced to the ONEPower;
· Why and How he attempted to bargain with his anonymous email list of 5000, using his, inter alia, contempt, conceit, stupidity, ignorance, greed, dishonesty and un-trustworthiness;
· Why and How he misused, and abused ONEPOwer for self-gain and his MEgo driven self-aggrandizement;
· Why and How he got crashed and burned and became a Terrified and Traumatized Toy Terrier;
· Why and How he got rescued;
· Why and How he has still failed to learn his lesson;
· Why Inevitable Orders against him are still pending!
4. WHAT ONE HAS ACCOMPLISHED ALONE (This Represents Only Some)!
a) Uncovered a Part of the Material Part of DEVIL’s Complex MIND;
b) Notified all Heads of States (196 Nations)of the Quintillion Dollar Discovery;
c) Exposed to them the details of DEVIL’s Evil Agenda with Concrete Evidence;
d) Provided Identification Details to them including:
i) Full Name
ii) Photograph
iii) Right Hand THUMB Print
iv) Both Hand Prints
v) Passport Information (To Selected Some)
5. Stop being FUNKY and Start being SPUNKY
a) If you don’t have a personal blog:
i) Create one with the domain extension WOW-YourFullName and create and maintain a synchronised replica of worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com;
ii) Create and maintain a link at a prominent position, using the current version of the banner image(sample given) in worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com
iii) Submit it to search engines and optimise for search rankings;
b) If you have a personal blog, Create and maintain a link at a prominent position, using the current version of the banner image (sample given) in worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com;
c) If you have a professional and/or commercial website that have a political brand name in the alternative media then:
i) Create and maintain a link at a prominent position, using the current version of the banner image in worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com;
d) If you have a professional and/or commercial website that have a political brand name in the alternative media and CHOSEN by ONE as a FREEDOM Fighter then:
i) I will add a reciprocal link on worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com;
ii) You SHALL Create and maintain a link at a prominent position, using the current version of the banner image (sample given) in worldofwizdrum.blogpost.com;
iii) You SHALL actively implement measures to execute all stipulations in 4(a)-(d);
iv) The failure to do so shall have detrimental consequences under ONELaw, the flavour of which is indicated in “Orders against GOOGLE”;
v) There is only a Trivial Difference between the MonkeyHood and the ChickenHood when it comes to a critical juncture and ONE is putting his LIFE Line and the LIFE on the Line!
vi) Chosen Freedom Fighters so far:
6. Spinning LOOP for the Cerebral Cortex!
7. Some Key Questions to Contemplate?
a) How do you identify Monkeys and analyse Monkey Mind?
b) How do you identify Minions?
c) How do you spot the Infiltrates?
d) How do you recognize the material motives and impact of so called good monkeys and good minions?
e) How do you overcome Elite restrictions applied to prevent the proliferation of these writings?
f) How do you establish two way communications?
g) How do you integrate individual branches into ONENet?
h) What kind of actions that can be accomplished using ONENet?
i) How can you bend the time line and bring Justice and Peace and Prosperity?
j) And Finally:
i) What do you think of the adequacy and appropriateness or otherwise of your current actions in the context of information already known;
ii) How do you think you can considerably uplift such to further the cause of non-Elite 99%; and
iii) Why is it so difficult to fathom that there are dire consequences to your inappropriate and in adequate actions, knowing what you already know?
8. Portend and Ponder over the Pending Posts:
a) Stop being Funkyand Start being Spunky
b) BE AWARE and BEWARE - World of WizDRum IS NOT WYSIWYG – DEVIL Deceives You!
c) You Bank on ONEBank!
9. Like ME and Be Like ME:
a) Think (Material Essence),
b) Know (Money, Mind & Monkey);
c) Act:
i) Be Spunky (and NOT Funky)
ii) Be Aware and Beware! (of WOW Look-a-Likes)
iii) Arm (with ONELaw);
iv) Be One of Power(with ONEPower);
v) Unite (in ONENet);
vi) Be on Your TOES (with TOES),
10. To Take the TRUTH to TASK:
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