Monday, 13 July 2015

Take Up UNITY to Take Down TRINITY

1.             Recall the TRINTY from the last  post, “Be On Your TOES with TOES”: “Money, Mind, and Monkey”:
a)             The Monkeyowns Money and Media to manipulate our Mind;
b)             The Monkeyowns Military and manipulate our brothers and sisters in the Military to keep them from Mutiny;
c)             The Monkey manoeuvres his Minions to divide us into “Inert” Individuals and Supine Segments chasing Paltry Pursuits;
2.             Monkeys and Minions are United and We are Divided:
a)             Monkey has a Central Command;
b)             Monkey has his Monkey Law (This comes from the Book of the Beast - Not Bible) that overrules all of our Laws, Common Law, Constitution, International Law and  other legislation;
c)             Monkey Minions follow orders with no regard to their monstrosity;

3.              BUT, Monkeys are Few and WE ARE MANY:
a)             We SHALL have our Own Law that can Empower US and Overpower the Monkey Law;
b)             We SHALL leverage on the Quantum Power (99:1)
c)             We SHALL have a CENTRAL COMMAND CENTRE with Distributed Command Centres with an OWN Network that can bypass the Internet;
4.             Be Assured and Be Reassured that you have the support of Theory of Everything, (The Super Discipline) to empower you with the  Super Discipline essential to Take Up UNITY and take down the TRINTY;
5.             Be Assured and Be Reassured that you have the Support of the Own Law, that is “Orders of Magnitude” Superior to the Monkey Law;
6.             Be Aware and Beware of the barriers to UNITY:
a)             SHUN: Posturing and Pestering over the Pecking Order within Peers;
b)             SHUN: Perplexity in  prioritizing Profound Pursuits over Paltry Pursuits;
c)             SHUN: Love of the Comfort Zonefeeding into the Fear of the Unknown;
d)             SHUN: Letting Monkey Media Manipulation to Occupy your Mind;
e)             SHUN: MEGo as Opposed to UGo!

7.             Overcome the barriers to UNITY:
a)             SEE: “ONW NWO is an Obscene Quintillion Dollars [10 to the Power 18]”;
b)             SEE: “TOE is an Original Super Discipline with an Obscene amount of Power”;
c)             SEE: “The Concept is Proof-Tested by the Unrelenting and Unsuccessful Pursuit by the Monkey”;
d)             SEE: “What Stirs and Shakes Monkey’s Elusive Evil Power”;
e)             SEE: You have the Luxury of not knowing yet,  what I’ve known all along!
8.             Portend the Pending Posts:
a)             Law of ONE, JLaw and JLo;
b)            See “Power of ONE” to Be “One of Power
9.            Like ME and Be Like ME:
a)            Think,
b)           Know;
c)            Act:
i)              Unite (in Own NET);
ii)            Be on Your TOES (with TOES),

10.         To Take the TRUTH to TASK:OWN NWO NOW!

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