Wednesday, 15 July 2015

See “Power of ONE” to Be “One of Power”

1.             RECALL from the Last Posts:
a)             “ONELaw, JLaw and JLo” (Monkeys and Minions are FEW and UNITED:
i)              Monkey has a Central Command (The Beast);
ii)            Monkey has his Monkey Law (whichcomes from the Book of the Beast - Not Bible) that overrules all of our Laws, including but limited to – Magna Carta, Common Law, Constitution, International Law and  other legislation);
iii)          Monkey Minions follow orders with no regard to their monstrosity (Creating Mass Slavery, Mass Murder, Mass Plunder, Mass Robbery, Mass Rape, and Mass Genocide).
b)             “Take Up UNITY to Take Down TRINITY” (We are MANY and DIVIDED)
i)              We SHALL have ONELaw that can Empower US and Overpowerthe Monkey Law;
ii)            We SHALL leverage on the Quantum Power (99:1);
iii)          We SHALL Unite in ONENet;
iv)           We SHALL have a CENTRAL COMMAND CENTRE with Distributed Command Centres.
c)             Be on Your TOES with TOES (Produce Profound Power):
i)              Think: The Essence of What Matters;
ii)            Know the TARGET TRUTH TRINITY: “Money, Mind and Monkey”; (All other causes including that country, that government, that corporation, that individual are TRIVIAL in the CONTEXT)
iii)          Act with Super Discipline.
2.             You SHALL be Armed, Protected and Guided by ONELaw (The More You are Guided the More You are Armed and the More You are Protected):
a)             OneLaw SHALL in accordance with the  MIND MAP Series (Order 0 – n):
i)              Embrace GOOD - Virtue and Virtuous Acts;
ii)            Enforce Exponential Intolerance towards EVIL - Vice and Acts of Vice;
iii)          Have “Post Ex Facto”Provisions;
iv)           Include All Stipulations in Power of ONE and ONENet;
b)             To the Extent ONELaw applies to Power of ONE and ONENet, the Vitue, Virtuous Acts, Vice and Acts of Vice SHALL be Appraised having due regard to the following explicit Order of Preference and shades of orders of preference implicit in it:
i)              ONE(The CREATOR of TOE, OWN NWO, ONELaw, ONENet and ONEBank...and so on and on...)
ii)            Ones (who Like ME and Like to Be Like ME and whom I LIKE)
iii)          ones (who are yet to Like ME......)
c)             Within the scope of your Engagement with Power of ONE (ONEPower) and ONE Net, ONELawSHALL OBLIGE you to CHOOSEBetween:
i)              Serving Monkey – 1% (Directly or Indirectly including, inter alia, action or inaction which has the intent or the effect of being Good for the Monkey);
ii)            Serving HUMANITY- 99% (whom ONE CHOSE TO SERVE);
iii)          NOW, Preview this extract from “Take Up UNITY to Take Down TRINITY”
6.              Be Aware and Beware of the barriers to UNITY:
a)              SHUN: Posturing and Pestering over the Pecking Order within Peers;
b)              SHUN: Perplexity in  prioritizing Profound Pursuits over Paltry Pursuits;
c)              SHUN: Love of the Comfort Zone feeding into the Fear of the Unknown;
d)              SHUN: Letting Monkey Media Manipulation to Occupy your Mind;
e)              SHUN: MEGo as Opposed to UGo!

7.              Overcome the barriers to UNITY:
a)              SEE:“ONW NWO is an Obscene Quintillion Dollars [10 to the Power 18]”;
b)              SEE:“TOE is an Original Super Disciplinewith an Obscene amount of Power”;
c)              SEE: “The Concept is Proof-Tested by the Unrelenting and Unsuccessful Pursuit by the Monkey”;
d)              SEE: “What Stirs and ShakesMonkey’s Elusive Evil Power”;
e)              SEE: You have the Luxury of not knowing yet,  what I’ve known all along!


3.             What is ONENet?
a)             ONENet SHALL Intend to:
i)              Unite 99%;
ii)            Establish two-way reliable communication;
iii)          Overpower Elite (1%) Media/Comunication Manipulation;
iv)           Institute  Discipline;
v)             Create a Reliable Command Structure.
vi)           Be a Living Structure.
b)             ONENet SHALL Enforce Exponential Intolerance towards:
i)              Action and Inaction which has the intent or the effect of being Good for the Elite (1%)
ii)            Wilful and or ignorant aiding and abating of Elite Infiltration into the ONENet;
iii)          Wilful or ignorant prioritizing of self-gain and/or MEgo driven self-aggrandizement:
NOW, Ponder over the CASE STUDY: “SoaB called RoO”
·         Why and How he was introduced to the ONEPower;
·         Why and How he attempted to bargain with his anonymous email list of 5000, using his, inter alia, contempt, conceit, stupidity, ignorance, greed, dishonesty and un-trustworthiness;
·         Why and How he misused, and abused ONEPOwer for self-gain and his MEgo driven self-aggrandizement;
·         Why and How he got crashed and burned and became a Terrified and Traumatized Toy Terrier;
·         Why and How he got rescued;
·         Why and How he has still failed to learn his lesson.

·         ONE Chose NOT to Bargain with the ELITE who put Quadrillion Dollars on the Table (Because ONEchose to Make Every Member of Humanity at least a Millionaire;
·         ONE Chose “What is Right”over “What is Expedient”, by protecting what Elite(1%), (with the implied and/or explicit support of other Nations and their Political Puppets) Chose to Perish (Example, inter alia, USA and Ukraine);
·       ONE treat What Ones, or ones HAVE as Trivial (both Objectively and Subjectively) in the Context that Matters and Ones, or ones who DARE THINK there is Bargaining Power – ONEand ONELaw SHALL “Hold them in CONTEMPT”;

4.             Structure of 1% Elite (Parts of the Pyramid);
First 0.2%
Next 0.8%
1.      Monkey Monster = The Beast (1 Person) who enforces Monkey Law derived from the Book of the Beast (Not Bible, 6 Letter word ending with D for devil (MARK of MONKEYHOOD ABSENT by Monkey Law)
2.      Monkeys belonging to Monster Monkey Class – Enforces the Monster’s will - NO (MARK of MONKEYHOOD ABSENT by Monkey Law)
3.      Supreme Monkeys (MONEY)
4.      Super Monkeys (MIND)
5.      Sub Monkeys (MURDER and MAYHEM)
6.      Other Monkeys Mask the Materiality of the MARK of MONKEYHOOD and the MODE of OPARANDI of the MONSTER MONKEY and the BOOK of the BEAST)
Minions Manipulated by Monkeys (First 0.2) to do Monkey’s dirty work.
·         Secret Society 1
·         Secret Society 2
·         Sundry Front Organizations which is owned and/or controlled by Monkeys and/or Minions to confuse the 99% Non-Elite of Elite Operational Structure;

5.             Who  SHALL be in ONENet?
a)             ONENet shall be for the non-Elite 99% (Elite 1% already have an operational structure and they know how and have the means to infiltrate)
b)             What about the Good Monkey?
i)              For the purpose of ONENet, all Monkeys are treated as Not Good(notwithstanding the evidence of varying shades of goodness or otherwise)
ii)            All Monkeys, not withstanding being WELL AWARE, Mask the Materiality of the MARK of MONKEYHOOD and the MODE of OPARANDI of the MONSTER MONKEY and the BOOK of the BEAST) and that fact alone make them a liability;
iii)          ONE can name names, outline what they do in a particular context revealing the source of their intent or action, quote from their articles, reason with sound logic  and strip them naked BUT, opt not to do so NOW and ask those who ask the question;
iv)           TRUST ME! (Because if I try to elaborate NOWit will Stir and Shake & Bur and Bake more than the Monkey!)
c)             What about the Good Monkey Minion? – Ditto!
d)            What about the members of the Non-Elite who do the Elite’s bidding in disguise?
i)              Reason with them;
ii)            Act in ways to win the followers;
iii)          Fight NOT with them in Public;
e)             What about the Whistleblowers?
i)              If they are not blowing anything other than (Money, Mind and Monkey) and such information is material in the context, ignore them?
ii)            How are you going to discern who send them on what grounds?
iii)          AKNOWLEDGE why, among other things, the 99% has got to where they have gotten: GULLIBILITY in Discerning the Deceitful Monkey, and their Minions;
6.             Some Mandatory Rules for ONENet
a)             The Structure of ONENet shall not be altered (multitude of its uses are not stated and cannot be stated in a public forum);
b)             It is the organic growth of a disciplined and active organization that shall be focused. Getting it viral is secondary and shall be done in addition to organic growth, not instead of organic growth;
c)             Any person who has the capacity to build two levels comprising 111 people shall start a branch of One’s Own; any person who does not have such capacity shall be part of another person with such capacity;
d)             Each branch member of a One’s Own branch shall be identified with a number which shall have the following format (the multitude of its uses are not stated and cannot be cannot be discussed in a public forum):
i)              FirstnameLastnameBirthYear.n.n.n.n where (1 <= n <= 10),
FirstnameLastnameBirthYear relates to the leader of the branch.
ii)            Example (1) gordonduffXXXX.
iii)          Example (2) jeffrenseXXXX.
e)             The structure shall be physical location based:
i)              In the event of communication breakdown, the members should be contactable in alternative ways such as walking or driving or short distance by public transport;
ii)            Structure shall recruit from workplaces, local community and community organizations where alternative communication can be established;
f)              Identity of each person at each level shall be known:
i)              There shall not be any exception to the rules for identification;
ii)            The Elite knows each person’s identity and trying to hide it from the members of the ONENet is action which is good for the Elite;
iii)          At the outset, the following information shall be collected and manually recorded and kept by each memberno more than up to two levels (111 people), enabling each member to accept responsibility to be disciplined and actand avoid relying on the upline to take care of them as well as ensuring upline to keep to task:
·         Full Name
·         Date of Birth
·         Current Residential Address
·         Nationality
·         Photograph
·         Email
·         Mobile phone number
·         Land phone number
iv)           At some point, documentary evidence for a minimum of 100 point id to establish the following information shall be available:
·         Full Name
·         Current Residential Address
·         Date of Birth
·         Nationality
·         Photograph

7.             Some Key Questions to Ponder?
a)             How do you identify Monkeys?
b)             How do you identify Minions?
c)             How do you spot the Infiltrates?
d)             How do you recognize the material motives and impact of so called good monkeys and good minions?
e)             How do you overcome Elite restrictions applied to prevent the proliferation of these writings?
f)              How do you establish two way communications?
g)             How do you integrate individual branches into ONENet?
h)             What kind of actions that can be accomplished using ONENet?
i)               How can you bend the time line and bring Justice and Peace and Prosperity?
j)               And Finally:
i)              What do you think of the adequacy and appropriateness or otherwise of your current actions in the context of information already known;
ii)            How do you think you can considerably uplift such to further the cause of non-Elite 99%; and
iii)          Why is it so difficult to fathom that there are dire consequences to your inappropriate and in adequate actions, knowing what you already know?

8.             Portend and Ponder over the Pending Posts:
a)              “Stir and Shake” (and Be Spunky) & “Bur and Bake” (the Bee Monkey)
b)            You Bank on ONEBank!
9.            Like ME and Be Like ME:
a)            Think (Material Essence),
b)           Know (Money, Mind & Monkey);
c)            Act:
i)              Arm (with ONELaw);
ii)            Be One of Power(with ONEPower);
iii)          Unite (in ONENet);
iv)         Be on Your TOES (with TOES),
10.      To Take the TRUTH to TASK:

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